About Us

Latest school photo of Miya.

“About Us”

Children can touch hearts in ways that can be so powerful. We had one of those moments in 2011,  when our daughter Miya, now  9,  told us that  she wanted to raise money to help the people in Japan.  As parents, this was an incredibly proud moment for us.

The March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami had  devastated much of northern Japan.  Many of our relatives were born and raised in  the northern city of Ishinomaki in Miyagi prefecture,  one of the hardest hit areas by the tsunami.

Our family raised money for the Japan Relief Efforts by selling Gaman wristbands. The wristbands have the Japanese word “Gaman” on one side and the translation, “Patience and Perseverance”, on the other side. This word was important to  Miya’s grandmother.

We have also collaborated with the University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) and the Japan American Society of Greater Cincinnati (JASGC) to build a special playground in Ishinomaki (see info on Ishinomaki Playground ).



子供達には人の心を深く感動させる力があります。 2011年、現在9歳になる娘のミヤが、日本の被災された方々の為に募金活動をしたいと言った時、私達も彼女に感動させられました。そして親として、とても誇らしく思えた時でした。


私達は「GAMAN」リストバンドを販売し、日本で被災した方々の為に復興支援金を募りました。リストバンドには日本語の「GAMAN」と、反対側にはその英訳の「Patience & Perseverance」という言葉が書かれてあります。「GAMAN」という言葉はミヤの祖母が大切にしていた言葉でした。



Emiko, Miya, and Mel Moore

Emiko, Miya, and Mel Moore